Indian Classical Violin

As an instrument, Indian classical violin is same as Western classical violin. But they differ in the tuning, the way it is played, gestures and technics. Indian violin has tuned strings from 1st to 4th – middle PA, SA, lower PA and SA (This tuning is relative as SA and PA are adjusted depending on the pitch of performance). Western classical violin is tuned accordingly E A D G (This tuning is permanent, regardless of the place, pitch, and system). Indian violin is played while seated (traditional way), whereas performers stand while playing the Western violin.
Indian Keyboard

Both Indian classical music and Western music use the same keyboard instrument, but the technics and method used are different. While learning Indian classical music on keyboard, the students have to sing along as they play the keyboard (Harmonium style). From the basic to advanced level, the lessons followed are exactly same as Indian Classical music lessons. However students will be learning the basic notation system (to read & write) and the harmony system (Triads and Chords) used in Western music.